Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Astronomers have discovered a region in space where black holes have mysteriously aligned and other top stories.

  • Astronomers have discovered a region in space where black holes have mysteriously aligned

    Astronomers have discovered a region in space where black holes have mysteriously aligned
    There’s a region in the distant Universe where a handful of supermassive black holes have mysteriously aligned, and as a result, they’re spewing out incredibly powerful radio jets in the same direction. This is the first time astronomers have seen such a phenomenon, and they say it could be the result of fluctuations of primordial mass that appeared in the early Universe.  "Since these black holes don't know about each other, or have any way of exchanging information or influencing each other d..
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  • RIMS 2016: Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner

    RIMS 2016: Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner
    Think sea level rise will be moderate and something we can all plan for? Think again. Sea levels could rise by much more than originally anticipated, and much faster, according to new data being collected by scientists studying the melting West Antarctic ice sheet – a massive sheet the size of Mexico. That revelation was made by an official with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Tuesday at the annual RIMS conference for risk management and insurance professionals in San D..
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  • New planet hunting tool on the block

    Will search for exoplanets orbiting distant stars A team of scientists has developed a new refined tool to search for exoplanets orbiting distant stars or other planetary detections.One of the most successful techniques to find and confirm planets is called the radial velocity method. A planet is obviously influenced by the gravity of the star it orbits; that’s what keeps it in orbit.This technique takes advantage of the fact that the planet’s gravity also affects the star in return. As a resu..
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  • Fossil ear reveals ultra-ancient origins of dolphin communications

    Fossil ear reveals ultra-ancient origins of dolphin communications
    Video will begin in 5 seconds. Origin of dolphin echolocation Learn how echolocation evolved within the dolphin and how it's been fundamental to the groups success over the past 30 million years. (Vision courtesy Melbourne Museum) PT0M59S 620 349 Dolphins have used high-pitched chirping, chittering and blipping noises for at least 26 million years to communicate with one another, navigate the oceans and locate fast-swimming prey, Melbourne scientists have found.The discovery, ..
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  • NASA begins testing 40km sail to send spacecraft to solar system's edge in less than 10 years

    NASA begins testing 40km sail to send spacecraft to solar system's edge in less than 10 years
    NASA begins testing 40km sail to send spacecraft to solar system's edge in less than 10 years Updated April 13, 2016 09:55:44 NASA has begun testing the concept for a 40-kilometre-wide successor to the solar sail that could send spacecraft to the edge of our solar system in less than 10 years. Key points:Last spacecraft to reach the edge of the solar system was Voyager 1, taking 35 yearsScientists hope HERTS could cut that trip down to one-third of the timeE-Sail would..
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Relatives of dead toddler Sanaya Sahib lash out at media over 'bulls--t' reports .Renewed warning as search continues for man who escaped ... .
Previews: Gundagai and Mudgee .Banks tipped to lift home loan rates .

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