Thursday, March 31, 2016

WA's beauty captured by NASA astronaut and other top stories.

  • WA's beauty captured by NASA astronaut

    WA's beauty captured by NASA astronaut
    Latest In national18:04 PMBEN MCCLELLAN and NAOMI WHITE THE man who allegedly stabbed his former partner while she was on a first date with a man she met online, killing him, has been charged with murder.17:56 PMGreg Davis and Jessica Stewart THE Firebirds officially began their historic quest for back-to-back championships with a left-field ceremony as they prepare for the season opener against the Tactix.17:55 PMEMMA HOPE and HELEN KEMPTON UPDATE: A BRIDGEWATER man has been reunited with his f..
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  • South Asians may have descended from Denisovans

    South Asians may have descended from Denisovans
    The mysterious hominids are believed to have existed with the Neanderthals Many bloodlines around the world, particularly of south Asian descent, may actually be a bit more Denisovan — a mysterious population of hominids that lived around the same time as the Neanderthals — researchers have revealed.The team from Harvard Medical School and University of California—Los Angeles (UCLA) has created a world map and also used comparative genomics to make predictions about where Denisovan and Neander..
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  • Scientists have developed 'transparent wood' that can build windows, solar cells

    Scientists have developed 'transparent wood' that can build windows, solar cells
    Despite all our technological advances, wood remains one of our most reliable - and frequently used - building materials. And for good reason: it's strong, cheap, and, if properly managed, renewable. But we could soon start doing a whole lot more with it, with scientists in Sweden successfully managing to made transparent wood using a technique they say would be easy to scale up. That means we could soon have tougher, wood-based windows and, even more excitingly, cheap, wood-covered solar cells..
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  • Indonesia's 'hobbits' disappeared earlier than thought: study

    Indonesia's 'hobbits' disappeared earlier than thought: study
    Archaeologists in 2012 at the Flores dig site. (AAP) Thomas Sutikna, University of Wollongong; Matthew Tocheri, Lakehead University, and Richard 'Bert' Roberts, University of WollongongNew discoveries at the Indonesian cave site of Liang Bua are changing the way we look at the mysterious Homo floresiensis – known as "hobbits" because of their short stature.We originally believed these hobbits disappeared around 12,000 years ago, but it appears they may have actually died out long before this, a..
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  • Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching more widespread than first thought, surveys reveal

    Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching more widespread than first thought, surveys reveal
    Photos taken from aerial surveys of the Great Barrier Reef between Cairns and Townsville on Wednesday. On average moderate bleaching was observed on all 74 reefs surveyed. Photo: Terry Hughes New aerial surveys have found the devastating coral bleaching event hitting the Great Barrier Reef has a larger footprint than initially thought.Professor Terry Hughes, who is part of a national coral bleaching taskforce, said research flights on Wednesday between Townsv..
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  • Time to cull feral cats, brumbies and deer, Natural Resources Commission review finds

    Time to cull feral cats, brumbies and deer, Natural Resources Commission review finds
    Video will begin in 5 seconds. Feral pigs invade Sydney Hundreds of diseased and destructive feral pigs are found and destroyed in greater Sydney every year with some even penetrating suburbia. PT0M0S 620 349 Feral deer need to be declared pests, aerial shooting of wild horses should be reintroduced, and cat owners need to be required to have pets desexed to curb the rising damage from introduced species on the state's agriculture and natural wildlife, the Natural Resources Co..
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  • King Tut's tomb: Doubts raised over what radar scans reveal as second scan scheduled

    King Tut's tomb: Doubts raised over what radar scans reveal as second scan scheduled
    Many-faced mystery ... The mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun may be just one of many clues that his stepmother, Queen Nefertiti, us buried in the same tomb. Picture: AFPJamie SeidelNews Corp Australia NetworkFIND of the century, or eternal embarrassment? Growing doubts over the evidence of hidden chambers in King Tut’s tomb has resulted in a fresh set of scans scheduled for tomorrow.The Egyptian antiquities minister’s enthusiastic announcement was quite clear: Radar scans revealed a ‘90 per c..
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Moody's dynasty dismantled at auction .Much of Great Barrier Reef 'fried': expert .
Top cop issues blunt warning for Easter road users .Man charged over death of housemate .

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